Maternity Photos, and thinking about what is to come....

To my husband: Thank you for our son....thank you for your love.
"My beloved is white and ruddy........."
Song of Solom 5:10-16

To Caleb:
This love.
This the closest I can be to you...
This hug, will happen 1,000 more times in the days before I meet you...
And this hug, my son, is nothing compared to those you will receive once you are in my arms-
with nothing in between...
Already I've changed because of you and being your mother will be the greatest gift you will ever give to me.
I can't wait to celebrate your birth day...

That is one pregnant belly.....and an outy belly button I never thought was possible! I've always wondered how prego bellies stay so round....babies don't come out in the shape of a basketball....

A special thanks to my wonderful friend Natoshia for capturing such a special time in our lives....I will always cherish these images.