A Tree

We added a tree.....still have a few more finishing touches!

Excuse me for being slightly redundant!

I know I posted pics of the nursery in one of my last few blog entries....but I was looking back at old ones and the 'vision' I had, or copied/stole rather, of Caleb's nursery......

Here is the look I was going for and the outcome of what we did!
I must say, overall, I'm pleased! :)

From My Dear Husband

Just today, I fell in love with Josh even more...this is why -

In an email to Josh, I wrote:

"Remember when we first found out I was pregnant and we watched those videos with the cool baby that stuck his hand by his ear to hear and our baby still looked like a tadpole….can you believe, this is him now??
http://www.babycenter.com/2_inside-pregnancy-weeks-28-to-37_3658874.bc (link to a video)"

Josh's response:

"We should do shadow puppets on your belly since he can see the filtered light that passes through your tummy."

Nursery Time

My poor, poor pitiful, yet ruggedly handsome husband slaving away.........at his son's nursery.....but I've learned, if you give a man a son, he will give you pretty much anything you ask for...and I was ready for the completion (or near completion) of my son's nursery!!!

We've worked very hard over the past few weeks to completely clean, empty, remove carpet and finish what is now the nicest room in the house, CALEB'S room....and until Caleb is here, it is a room where I sit and rock, a room where I find peace in knowing that in a short 2.5 months, our family will be +1....

What started as a room with green carpet and banged up walls is now a beautiful baby blue with wooden floors....although I do not have a complete 'before' picture - this one shows a "before we were finished" picture....if you'd like to see a larger version of the image with my thoughts on the paint color, please click on it!

As you may note from the picture, I wasn't a fan of the color of the paint....It was simply too blue...it almost made me uncomfortable when I walked in. Josh, not being a huge fan of the color for a baby room either, would not admit it wasn't the best choice for 2 reasons...1 - the thought of having to start over...yes, was painful, and 2 - he couldn't help but notice the resemblence of the color to his beloved tarheels.....

Oh, and the arrows in the above image, one just pointing out the color of the ceiling, and the second pointing out the mirror doors that are no longer in the room!

We had a little fun before painting over the "tarheel blue" - I was looking a bit rough this day, but who dresses up for painting....in case you can't see it, there is an arrow painted in the 'new blue' pointing to my belly that says "You" - that one's for Caleb!

Again, the "before" blue - it may seem petty but made a HUGE difference:

However, we sucked it up, and started yet again with a much softer blue.....that I happen to really love! Here is the "other" blue....

Here are a few pictures of the entire process being completed...
Started out daylight....and thunderstorms...


Once Josh put up the moulding, we came to the realization, that the ceiling just wasn't working anymore.....with the beautiful moulding in place, it looked like a dull yellow.....so the next morning, we woke up and began painting!

See the difference??

I think this whole project turned Josh's beard grey!

Our new closet doors....not the best image, as it was taken with my DROID phone!

We still have a few finishing touches....we still need to do more baby-fying to it, if you will....but this is what we have thus far!

28 Weeks

It feels like yesterday Josh and I were sitting in the living room looking at videos on http://www.babycenter.com/ of how a baby develops. At the time, our little one, yet to be named Caleb or have a known gender, still resembled a little tadpole -

Looking at my weekly updates today, this is now what our little man has grown into and its hard to believe that what seems like just the other day he was less than 1 ounce....For anyone reading this, babycenter has the coolest informative 1-2 minute videos showing the progess of babies in the womb....Click to see what's happening in my belly.

He's doing things like, opening his eyes, practicing breathing, certainly getting many more kicks in than I thought he ever would. Feeling so connected to him is also something that I just can't get over. I've felt needed in my past, but carrying him around for me, created a whole new definition of the word.

I never thought it possible to love so much, especially someone that I've yet to physically hold or see. And going back to the part about how big he is getting, and how quickly he is getting big.....I've always heard people say, including my own parents, 'my how quickly they grow...' referring to their children. Well, technically Caleb hasn't even had his "BIRTH" day yet...and he is already growing like a weed before our eyes and each day embeds his way even deeper into our hearts....with every kick and every little movement.....

Just to give you an idea....in the image at the top of the page....that is pregnancy at 8 weeks....the second image shows 28 weeks in utero - at 8 weeks, the weight is about .04 ounces and 28 weeks about 36 ounces....that 900 TIMES larger!!!

We Salute You Too Son!

Last Friday, I hit my 26 week mark...and I'm this () close to my third trimester....time has just flown by!

Saturday morning Josh woke up and decided he would like to see Caleb again, and of course, I had no objection! We called and made an appt the same day with the 3-D baby picture place and got to see what our little man was up to....

I may or may not have mentioned it, but my placenta attached to the front of my uterine wall (anterior placenta) therefore making it a little confusing to decipher what is what during ultrasounds and quite the challenge to get a clear image of the baby - for example:

In this case, not only was Caleb's face directly behing my placenta, it was also behind both of his hands, both of his FEET and what seemed to be miles of umbilical cord!!! So needless to say this was the trickiest one yet. However, we did see enough to know that our baby officially looks like a little baby....chubby cheeks and all, and that we loved!! We also got to see him smile, yawn, and even salute!!!

What a precious joy he has been to both Josh and I thus far....we can't begin to imagine the happiness that he will add to our lives once we meet him and really get to know him! Enjoy the pics!

Just a quick note that I didn't know, until recently...if in any of the 2D images (the black and white 'regular ultrasound image') you see anything that looks like Ruote or 'Cartwheel' Pasta...its the umbilical cord...for example....

Would you believe that Josh and I look at these pictures trying to determine who he looks like?? What do you think??? haha!!!

Double Digits and Loving it!!!

Today I have but 99 days to go until Caleb's arrival....

I've noticed as each day passes I become more and more emotional with the thought of actually being part of the creation of this little boy. Last night as I was laying in bed, I was expressing some concern to Josh that Caleb hadn't kicked as much as I was used to....so of course, Josh starts talking to him!

I decided also to pull out my Droid (love this phone) and play a little nursery rhyme music from Pandora radio...Little did I know that Jewel has a children's cd and one of her songs commenced to play - thus began the waterworks. I just laid there and cried and cried but all tears of joy (mixed with a bit of fear). Joy because I couldn't have been in a safer place. Josh's arms were mine and Caleb's fort and as Caleb started to wiggle around a bit, I knew that things were okay. I was fearful of the unknown...what will I do and how will I do it and when and what and why and and and.....then I remembered my fort....he must be feeling all these things to. But his arms were safe, we said a prayer and together, the 3 of us slept soundly the rest of the night.... :) - (well, I had to get up twice for potty breaks, but safe nonetheless)!

Growing Out -

Ahhh, 25 weeks pregnant today, I write this as my little man kicks...I've heard stories about how the kicks hurt but bring on the pain (which by the way I have yet to feel) because that pain would bring me more pleasure than words can tell...

Knowing he's in there, and active and growing is so amazing, and if a kick or punch here or there gives me yet another update on how he's doing....bring it ON!!!!

So here is the "new me.." small difference! ;)