Its a BOY

In case you were wondering.... :)


I took this last night. I think its been a few weeks since the last one...its about time for a new one...

In these pics, I try to pose as natural as possible.....but I'd be lying if I said I didn't poke it out just a little!

and for a little side by side comparison....


So....I've done some online looking and found a furniture set I really like, that won't break the bank! Its called 'Cape Cod' by Bassett Baby and I believe this could be 'the one' if indeed craigslist doesn't pull thru!

My only 'concern' - which isn't even a HUGE one is that I really like the white furniture - Josh made the comment the other day about 'oh, it will look great, if we're having a girl.' I think it could work great for a boy too!! What do you think?

The second one is my favorite, for a little boy -

Also liked this little girl's room!

The Overnight Bump

It was bound to happen sooner or later...I woke up the other day and noticed a more pronounced bump than normal.

I asked my mom over Thanksgiving, "when did you start 'showing?" Her answer? "around 5 months!"

Here I am excited to finally see a bump but after that I'm wondering how big I'll be at 5 months...esp if that's when she just started showing...then I thought about it. People that I meet don't know I'm pregnant unless I tell them, so maybe when its completely obvious, that's when I'll be showing...officially.

All I know is that the bigger my belly grows, the more and more Josh is talking directly to it...Its too cute for words. So, even though I'm arching my back and poking my belly out a bit, here's my bump! Oh yeah, and since its after midnight, I'm officially at 12 weeks! (and I'm in a hotel room in Detroit, MI in case you are wondering what's behind me - work stuff!)

Granny Panty Pants?

I am adding this to list of things I didn't know before pregnancy...

Maternity pants are what I call 'high rise' pants. It makes sense but I had no idea.

I never realized how much the maternity fashion world has been and is neglected - haha, its been a fun little challenge!

I'm a proud Mimmy

For so long I have abused my poor soul-s....of my feet that is. For anyone that knows me well, I love heels of any and all kind. However, recently, I've found myself wanting for something more....or better yet, less. Flats. Although they do nothing for lengthening my legs, and make my feet look like bananas with toes, the pleasure, or lack of pain they bring my feet almost makes me forget about the negative.

I only write about this because flats were not in my vocabulary until recently. Being out of town on a work trip, typically I will wear one pair of heels, and pack at least another 2 (minimum 3.5 inch's but normally 4). This time as I was unpacking my suitcase, it was a bit of a different story. 2 pair of flats and a pair of 1.5 inch heels for work. I'm starting to dig it. My feet definitely dig it-I call the transition MIMM - Moving into Mommy Mode. Yes, I'm a Mimmy (I guess before I'm a mommy, I have to be a Mimmy?!)

Heels, I have not forsaken you...we shall meet again!

Mommy's Cute Cookie made me cry

Ever since I found out I was pregnant, I've been consumed with every motion imaginable, but mostly joy.

I've wanted to be a mommy for as long as I can remember, even before it was physically possible. The day I found out, I didn't cry...I felt almost guilty. If I were so overwhelmed with joy, then why were there no tears. Perhaps it still didn't feel real. But, I knew it was, the 5th positive pregnancy test confirmed it...

I saw the baby's heart flutter at 6 weeks, and at 9.5, heard it for the first time. This is also where I first saw his/her first movements. So incredibly active - break-dancing in the womb...still, no tears.

It was this past Saturday that for the first time, it officially hit me, I'm going to be a mom.

I was in Old Navy with Josh when to my surprise he needed to use the restroom. I decided I would follow him there and as fate would have it, the infant section was right beside it. I just started browsing and I saw this little onesie for infants and saw that it was a size 3-6 months I started doing math, and realized at this exact time, this exact second, next year, that this particular little outfit could possibly be worn by my little baby. At this moment, I cried....I wasn't making a scene though - my belly isn't big enough yet to justify uncontrollable sobbing in the middle of Old Navy alone, quite yet!

Josh approached me with a grin of satisfaction on his way back from the restroom and I look at him with crocodile tears in my eyes and didn't even have to say anything, he knew. He insisted that we purchase it. It feels more and more real every moment....

I can't wait to meet you little one!!!

Bowels in the way? 11 weeks and 4 days!

I just returned from my third appointment to check on the baby. I always get such anxiety before going to the doctor...all the what-if's start going crazy in my mind and I feel like I can't get there soon enough...just to make sure everything is okay.

Baby's Height: 45mm or approx 1.8 inches (height is measure right now from crown to rump, so little legs aren't included, with those he/she'd be a good 2.5 inches!)-

Today we had some testing done...just a blood sample from mommy (that's me now!) and some measuring of the baby via the ultrasound. Everything looked normal and now I can sigh, with relief.

I love getting the ultrasounds, because its such a wonderful chance to see baby move and play, to hear the heart beat, and just to 'see baby.'

Josh came with me to my appointment and when the dr turned off the lights and turned on the doppler, to Josh, everyone left the room, but him and baby! It was the first time he had the chance to hear the heart beat and he lit up. So proud.

Josh's mom also joined us for the visit (my poor mom was home without a voice).

It took a while to find the baby on the ultrasound. One of the few pleasures of being pregnant is constipation, and there is nothing like the dr announcing that there are 'bowels in the way of the fetus' right in front of your mother in law to start your day. I handled it like a lady and apologized for being stopped up... ;o)

Here are the first images of the baby, that look like, well...a baby. Although, the "face" image below, to me, looks sort of alien-like!!!

Below is an animation of a 12 weeks fetus in Utero. Pretty much where I am right now...

Oh, and I've gained 5 lbs, which is about normal for where I'm at...I'll be posting pics soon of the little baby bump!

So Excited: Baby's Looking Like Baby & a Little Grandparent Talk To!

First, I should start by saying that on November 3rd, Josh and I went to my doctor and had the overwhelming pleasure and indescribable experience of witnessing the flicker of our 'lil kiddo's heart beat.....that was 10 days ago.....

Today, when I opened my email, I received the message below-no more tadpole. My little one (and very very little right now) is now looking more like a baby....He/she's about an inch tall! I'm so proud of her (or him)! My email read:

Hello, Crystal!
Your new resident is nearly an inch long -- about the size of a grape -- and weighs just a fraction of an ounce. She's starting to look more and more human. Her essential body parts are accounted for, though they'll go through plenty of fine-tuning in the coming months. Other changes abound: Your baby's heart finishes dividing into four chambers, and the valves start to form -- as do her tiny teeth. The embryonic "tail" is completely gone. Your baby's organs, muscles, and nerves are kicking into gear. The external sex organs are there but won't be distinguishable as male or female for another few weeks.

Josh and I are becoming more and more excited. I always look forward to my next doctor's appointments, especially if I'm getting an ultrasound, I get to see the little guy and know that everything is okay.

Today is the day that we will let the rest of the family know and I'm certainly looking forward to that. Its such a cool feeling knowing that in my belly is a human being, a person that will one day have face that will reflect mine (and Josh's!) a person that will have unique ideas and a person that I will be beside every step of the way, to nurture, teach, lead, guide and eventually give away, a person that will one day have children of their own. Someone who will one day (hopefully) give me little grand-babies of my own!

I've never stopped to think about how special the relationship between a grandparent and grandchild is until recently. When I found out I was pregnant, I don't remember crying, I remember an abundance of feelings from surprise and giddiness to being anxious and nervous. When Josh and I told our parents for the first time that I was pregnant, I don't think there was a dry eye in the house....looking back to that moment and stepping out of my shoes, and into theirs, I feel that there must be something magical about watching your child, your baby, the one whose diapers you used to change what seems like yesterday, now bring new life into the world......that is something pretty darn cool if you ask me--- It's witnessing God's hands at work: seeing life that you made, make new life.

I believe maybe it's also a little bit of being able to welcome a baby into the world, that without you, technically wouldn't be here, and having the opportunity to forego most of the discipline part of child rearing and spoil them rotten!!

Quote of the day:
What a bargain grandchildren are! I give them my loose change, and they give me a million dollars' worth of pleasure. ~Gene Perret

A Whole New World

On October 12, 2009, 2 days before Josh and I were to celebrate our 2 year anniversary, our lives were forever changed....

For the past few months, we had both been 'throwing' around the idea of adding to our family. Still feeling like kids ourselves, we knew that if it happened, we would prepare ourselves, yet neither of us could completely convince ourself that we were 'ready.'

What is 'ready'? In literal terms, its being 'completely prepared or in condition for immediate action or use or progress.' As prepared as one may try to be, how do you truly prepare for raising a precious littly baby when you've never done it before.

Well, little did we know, that on this day, 10/12, our life as we knew it, would no longer be the same!

As always, Josh woke up that morning and hopped in the shower, as much as I'd like to say I was up, hard at work in the kitchen, preparing an AM cuisine for the 2 of us to partake in, I was still in bed, sleeping through the alarm radio.

After getting dressed and then kindly scrounging for my cell phone, then laying it gently beside me, Josh gave me a kiss goodbye and was on his way to start his week at work. After a few more minutes of pretending to sleep, I finally hopped out of bed and as most of the population does first thing in the morning, I entered the lavatory to relieve myself. It was halfway through this morning ritual that on a hunch I stopped, held it, and opened the bathroom drawer to find an unused pregnancy test. I opened it, followed the instructions, finished the job, and then went about my morning preparations.

After a few minutes (and almost forgetting about the test) I went to check on the results, thinking that it would be the same as any other day or time. To my surprise, I saw one DARK pink line and parallel to it was a very faint, and slow forming lighter line....could it be?

Needless to say, immediately I called Josh and asked him to meet me for lunch. It was in the second booth from the back of the restaurant near the servers station that I commenced to prop open a menu and stand it up on the table. I did this in order to discreetly announce the news to Josh via the test I'd taken earlier that morning.

Josh was proud....immediately he was proud, as if we already had birthed the child and he/she had finished their first day of kindergarten!

That evening, we told both sets of "future" grandparents who needless to say, were elated!