Has it really come to this?

Forget the wheelchair...we do it country style!

and a few more-barefoot and pregnant!! - I think that is Caleb's finger that is stuck in my belly button below?

Maternity Photos, and thinking about what is to come....

To my husband: Thank you for our son....thank you for your love.
"My beloved is white and ruddy........."
Song of Solom 5:10-16

To Caleb:
This hug...is love.
This hug...is the closest I can be to you...
This hug, will happen 1,000 more times in the days before I meet you...
And this hug, my son, is nothing compared to those you will receive once you are in my arms-
with nothing in between...
Already I've changed because of you and being your mother will be the greatest gift you will ever give to me.
I can't wait to celebrate your birth day...

That is one pregnant belly.....and an outy belly button I never thought was possible! I've always wondered how prego bellies stay so round....babies don't come out in the shape of a basketball....

A special thanks to my wonderful friend Natoshia for capturing such a special time in our lives....I will always cherish these images.

Tinkle, Tinkle, Little Star

I saw these on Babies R Us website and just thought they were hilariously pracital. Especially for new mom's who prefer avoiding urine showers from their little boys... haha!!! - the message on each is priceless...I like 'oops' myself - as if they know!!!


When the day comes for Caleb's arrival, and it soon will, Josh and I want to be as prepared as possible and that means preparing our friends and family as well. I know that there will be so much going on and we really want to avoid tons of phone calls asking for directions on how to get where we are....so that is what this is for! - I've listed the important information below and more detailed information further down - once you arrive at the hospital, you will see a waiting area.....just shoot Josh or myself a text or call and let us know you are there!

Carolinas Medical Center-Pineville
10628 Park Road
Charlotte, North Carolina 28210

Click here for Printable Campus Map

I've listed directions from Denver, Gastonia & anyone traveling from the East and below I have a map of CMC with the best place to park, and where I will be located! (click on the image for a larger map!)

Directions from Denver:
1-Take the ramp onto N Carolina 16 S 5.6mi
2-Turn right onto the Interstate 485 South Outer ramp to Spartanburg0.3mi
3-Merge onto I-485 S 18.8 mi
4-Exit onto N Carolina 51 N/Pineville-Matthews Rd toward Matthews 0.5 mi
5-Turn left at Park Rd 0.2 mi
Destination will be on the left
10628 Park Rd, Charlotte, NC 28210

Directions from Gastonia:
1. Take the ramp onto I-85 N
2. Take exit 30 toward I-77 S 1.6 mi
3. Merge onto I-485 S 12.4 mi
4. Exit onto N Carolina 51 N/Pineville-Matthews Rd toward Matthews 0.5 mi
5. Turn left at Park Rd
Destination will be on the left 0.2 mi
10628 Park Rd Charlotte, NC 28210

Directions from the EAST
1-Continue onto I-85 S
2-Take exit 38 to merge onto I-77 S/US-21 S toward Columbia 11.2 mi
3-Take exit 2 toward I-485 W 1.4 mi
4-Merge onto I-485 S 3.4 mi
5-Exit onto N Carolina 51 N/Pineville-Matthews Rd toward Matthews 0.5 mi
6-Turn left at Park Rd 0.2 mi
Destination will be on the left
10628 Park Rd, Charlotte, NC 28210

Motherhood. Am I ready?

Today I was chatting back and forth via email with my friend Ellen and she asked me a question that I often ask myself:

"Speaking of which…how are you feeling about motherhood? Are you feeling “ready” for it? Are you imagining what it will be like. You're so close!"

My response:

do I feel ready? Yes and No...

But then I think about Caleb, is he ready for the world on the outside? whatever transition I am having to make, I can only imagine his will be much tougher....weird to think that way I know. but my point is that we'll be going through changes together.

I feel like I have a lot of what I need, and I'm mentally preparing myself for the all-consuming task that motherhood will be, especially in the first few weeks and months. I know my time for other things will be limited and I am prepared to devote myself entirely to my family for the first time ever.

I am ready to hold him and kiss him and love him unconditionally....Am I ready to change his stinky explosive diapers or try to coo him to sleep when he won't stop crying??? Not necessarily but that would technically fall under the unconditional love category....i would imagine.

It becomes more and more surreal. the thought of possessing the title 'mother' as well as holding the human being that has grown inside of my body for the greater part of a year - surreal and magical and frightening and perfect.

I just pray that everything from here until the end goes as planned and that I am able to safely greet my little man into his new world as he welcomes me to mine :)

Look at my TICKER!!

SOOOOOOO............its official...do you see what I see...look at the right hand side of the page, up, up a little more...see the growing baby? see where little caleb is on the scale!!! HOOOOOOOO-RAH!!! for you are almost here!!! I LOVE YOU AND CAN'T WAIT TO HOLD YOU IN MY ARMS!

Just in case you missed it... :)

Wow...that's me!

Today as I was walking in from lunch, I was caught off guard by a reflection I saw out of the corner of my eye in the windows downstairs from my office.

It took me a minute but I quickly realized that what I was seeing was me.....

The anticipation is setting in even moreso that before and I am officially going thru the gamut of emotions. Today I cried, for no reason, no trigger but after I started crying I thought of a reason real fast so I wouldn't feel silly!!

I decided that I was crying because he will be here so soon. My little boy, the little person that has been growing inside this ever-expanding belly will be here before I turn around. People are constantly saying, "oh, I bet you can't stand being pregnant anymore, aren't you ready to burst, are you okay? you're due any minute aren't you..." and I always say the same thing, I certainly can't wait to meet him.

The truth is, I don't mind carrying him inside of me, because I feel like he's protected. However, lately I've felt that I can't do as much for him as I'd like to. I know he must be uncomfortable lodged underneath my ribs on the left side of my body, because I certainly am not in the most comfortable of positions. And he literally has hiccups 3-4 times a day...there's nothing I can do but feel around for where I think his little butt is and pat it thru my belly......so am I ready to burst? Not really, but I am certainly excited to finally see my little boys face and kiss it for the first time.

Fabulousness is tough when your pregnant...

But I'm still trying to pull it off!! haha....

Never too early for cuddling.....

I'm just saying....

No Turning Back...(as if I would!)

Well, now that his name is on the wall, I guess it is official....

By the way, never, have I EVER spent such an extreme amount of time hanging something crooked.....it took much longer than it would have placing them straight...but Josh loved the crooked.... :)

Laundry, My New Favorite Chore

Never did I believe that I would truly enjoy doing laundry until 2 nights ago. Although it is quite soon to be washing all of the baby's clothes and blankets, I thought it best to get a jump start on the process.

I was so meticulous about the way I placed every item in both the washer & dryer AND on the hanger; not more than 3 minutes would go by at each cycles completion before I was right there to move the process along -

I know many people may think that this is ridiculous...'oh, just wait until he's here and see how meticulous you are then...' When he's here, the laundry will be a distant thought....because I will have him. Right now, washing his little clothes only makes me feel closer, and for that, I take my time and soak it all in!

Josh must be wondering, 'why the lack of enthusiasm over washing his clothes' - well, 2 reasons....they're not quite as little and cute as Caleb's & 2. I already have you!! ;)

This Little Piggy....

This gives a whole new meaning to the phrase "putting things into perspective."

I don't mind...I was never too fond of my toes to begin with - Caleb can block them all he wants!

and yes....that is a stain on my shirt...how embarassing. My lap is now my belly!

Those Cheeks....

Kissing them will be my greatest accomplishment!


How Did She Do It Charlie?

Wow.....unbelievable a mother's love, determination and will - and a father's ability to stand beside her strong to help her thru. I was privileged to witness the labor and birth of my first nephew - Charles "Charlie" Rockwell Heglar....

Tara, how did you do it? I admire you more than you may know for all that you went thru and your strength during your 36 hour labor....but what beautiful outcome, a perfect 7 pound 15 ounce little piece of heaven....

Seeing this miracle happen makes me so incredibly anxious for my son's arrival....I must say, even a little jealous....I spoke to Caleb, after meeting Charlie and asked him to come out and play, that his mommy and daddy are ready to meet him as well! Funny little sense of humor he had, I think he kicked me...that's not what I meant Caleb! However, I do want the best for my son, so patiently I count down the days, hours and minutes to his due date....if he is anything like his mom, however, I'm sure he will be late....I deserve it!

Below are some images of the moments leading up to Charlie's 'meet and greet with the family' and Charlie, an hour after his birth...Tara, you grew a beautiful young man!

Welcome Home Charlie...welcome home!

Pawpaw waiting.....

Like father, like son....Pawpaw Mickey and Josh, gearing up for Charlie's grand entrance...

Vikki, trying to sneak a peak....awaiting her first grandchild!

A mother/grandmother's concern...

Rocky's mom, waiting in anticipation!

Our first glimpse of mother and son...

A smile no man could break!

Family Portrait - What I See
Rocky's adoration, admiration and devotion to and for his wife.
Tara's appreciation and love for her husband's unwaivering and steadfast support
An ineffable exchange of gratitude for the most cherished gift that they will ever give one another
A life-altering, perfect little angel, that without each other, would not have been possible....

Magic little yawn....I think he stole all of our hearts in that moment...

Charlie - Your Uncle Josh took this picture when you were only one hour old....He is so in love with you! Witnessing the glow in his face and spark in his eyes when looking at you, puts my heart in such a warm place knowing your future cousin, my son, his son, will be all of his pride and joy......you and Caleb will be such amazing friends!! Charlie and Caleb...C&C - that may just spell trouble!!!!

A Tree

We added a tree.....still have a few more finishing touches!

Excuse me for being slightly redundant!

I know I posted pics of the nursery in one of my last few blog entries....but I was looking back at old ones and the 'vision' I had, or copied/stole rather, of Caleb's nursery......

Here is the look I was going for and the outcome of what we did!
I must say, overall, I'm pleased! :)

From My Dear Husband

Just today, I fell in love with Josh even more...this is why -

In an email to Josh, I wrote:

"Remember when we first found out I was pregnant and we watched those videos with the cool baby that stuck his hand by his ear to hear and our baby still looked like a tadpole….can you believe, this is him now??
http://www.babycenter.com/2_inside-pregnancy-weeks-28-to-37_3658874.bc (link to a video)"

Josh's response:

"We should do shadow puppets on your belly since he can see the filtered light that passes through your tummy."

Nursery Time

My poor, poor pitiful, yet ruggedly handsome husband slaving away.........at his son's nursery.....but I've learned, if you give a man a son, he will give you pretty much anything you ask for...and I was ready for the completion (or near completion) of my son's nursery!!!

We've worked very hard over the past few weeks to completely clean, empty, remove carpet and finish what is now the nicest room in the house, CALEB'S room....and until Caleb is here, it is a room where I sit and rock, a room where I find peace in knowing that in a short 2.5 months, our family will be +1....

What started as a room with green carpet and banged up walls is now a beautiful baby blue with wooden floors....although I do not have a complete 'before' picture - this one shows a "before we were finished" picture....if you'd like to see a larger version of the image with my thoughts on the paint color, please click on it!

As you may note from the picture, I wasn't a fan of the color of the paint....It was simply too blue...it almost made me uncomfortable when I walked in. Josh, not being a huge fan of the color for a baby room either, would not admit it wasn't the best choice for 2 reasons...1 - the thought of having to start over...yes, was painful, and 2 - he couldn't help but notice the resemblence of the color to his beloved tarheels.....

Oh, and the arrows in the above image, one just pointing out the color of the ceiling, and the second pointing out the mirror doors that are no longer in the room!

We had a little fun before painting over the "tarheel blue" - I was looking a bit rough this day, but who dresses up for painting....in case you can't see it, there is an arrow painted in the 'new blue' pointing to my belly that says "You" - that one's for Caleb!

Again, the "before" blue - it may seem petty but made a HUGE difference:

However, we sucked it up, and started yet again with a much softer blue.....that I happen to really love! Here is the "other" blue....

Here are a few pictures of the entire process being completed...
Started out daylight....and thunderstorms...


Once Josh put up the moulding, we came to the realization, that the ceiling just wasn't working anymore.....with the beautiful moulding in place, it looked like a dull yellow.....so the next morning, we woke up and began painting!

See the difference??

I think this whole project turned Josh's beard grey!

Our new closet doors....not the best image, as it was taken with my DROID phone!

We still have a few finishing touches....we still need to do more baby-fying to it, if you will....but this is what we have thus far!